Google XML Sitemaps - RST

Google XML Sitemaps – What are they?

Google XML sitemaps are very important when developing a website. Not just Google XML sitemaps, which is a specific WordPress plugin, but XML sitemaps in general are important to any website. When deciding how to submit an XML sitemap, you have a couple main choices in WordPress. The first choice is to use Yoast SEO which helps with many different aspects of SEO. I would suggest downloading and using this whether you use it for the sitemap or not. The other option, the option that I use, is the Google XML sitemaps plugin.

Google XML Sitemaps Plugin

The Google XML sitemaps plugin is, in my eyes, one of the most essential plugins on a WordPress website. The main idea of what this plugin does is that it dynamically generates an XML sitemap for your website. This sitemap is compatible with GoogleBing, and Yahoo search engines. The plugin makes this as simple as possible, all you need to do is submit your sitemap to the search engine webmaster tools and your sitemap will be automatically loaded.

One of the best features about using this plugin is that you are able to just download it and have a sitemap readily available for the search console. If you aren’t sure how to put the sitemap into your google search console, there will be a post coming soon about how to do so.

Some other main features that are included in the Google XML sitemap plugin are that it is available in a large amount of different languages. It also, as stated before, notifies not only Google but Bing and Yahoo at the click of a button. It will also generate the sitemap for all different types of web pages. By that, you will have your sitemap that includes not only your pages from WordPress (ex: homepage) but also your posts such as blog posts and what not.

Google XML Sitemap is an essential plugin, especially if you are not using Yoast SEO. If you haven’t yet, check out our previous post on DNS and What Does DNS Stand For. As always, if you have any questions or comments, feel free to comment them below or Contact us.