eeat signals

EEAT Signals – What are they?

EEAT (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) signals are an essential component of Google’s search algorithm. As the world’s most popular search engine, Google’s algorithm aims to provide users with the most relevant and trustworthy information possible. EEAT signals help Google assess the quality and credibility of the information presented on a website, which in turn affects its ranking in search results.

Google’s search algorithm is constantly evolving, and EEAT signals have become increasingly important in recent years. In 2018, Google released an update to its search algorithm called the Medic update, which focused on improving the accuracy and credibility of health-related search results. This update placed a greater emphasis on EEAT signals, particularly in the health and wellness field.

So, how does Google assess EEAT signals? Here are some key factors that Google looks at when evaluating the credibility of a website:


Google assesses the experience of a website by looking at the credentials and professional background of the author or organization. Google may consider factors such as the author’s educational background, professional experience, and any relevant certifications or licenses. In addition, Google may look at the history of the website and how long it has been publishing content in a particular field.


Google assesses the expertise of a website by looking at the quality and accuracy of the information presented. This may include factors such as the depth of research, the use of reliable sources, and the accuracy of any claims made. Google may also consider the author’s level of expertise in a particular field, as demonstrated by their academic qualifications, published work, and professional experience.


Google assesses the authoritativeness of a website by looking at its reputation within its field. This may include factors such as the quality and impact of the website’s content, the number of high-quality external links pointing to the website, and the recognition and awards received by the author or organization. Google may also look at the website’s online presence and social media following as indicators of its authoritativeness.


Google assesses the trustworthiness of a website by looking at factors such as the transparency and openness of the author or organization, the accuracy of the information presented, and any potential conflicts of interest. Google may also look at the website’s security measures and privacy policies to ensure that user data is protected.

The Importance of EEAT Signals in Google’s Search Algorithm

EEAT signals play a critical role in Google’s search algorithm, as they help to ensure that users are presented with the most relevant and trustworthy information possible. Google’s algorithm is designed to prioritize websites that have high levels of expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness, as these are considered to be the most reliable sources of information.

In recent years, Google has placed a greater emphasis on EEAT signals in certain fields, such as health and finance. This is because inaccurate or misleading information in these fields can have serious consequences for users. For instance, incorrect medical information can lead to incorrect diagnosis and treatment, while misleading financial information can lead to poor investment decisions.

How to Optimize Your Website for EEAT Signals

If you want your website to rank highly in Google’s search results, it is important to optimize it for EEAT signals. Here are some tips for optimizing your website for EEAT signals:

1. Create high-quality, accurate content

Ensure that your website’s content is accurate, well-researched, and supported by reliable sources. This will help to establish your expertise and authoritativeness in your field.

2. Build high-quality external links:

Building high-quality external links to your website can help to establish your authoritativeness and credibility within your field. This can be achieved through tactics such as guest posting, outreach to influencers, and participation in online communities.

3. Establish author credentials:

Ensure that your website clearly identifies the author or organization behind the content. This can be done through author bios, author pages, and other means of establishing author expertise and credibility.

4. Use structured data:

Structured data can help to improve the visibility and credibility of your website in search results. This can be achieved through the use of schema markup, which provides search engines with additional information about your website’s content.

5. Focus on user experience:

A positive user experience can help to improve the trustworthiness of your website. This can be achieved through tactics such as mobile optimization, fast loading times, and clear navigation.

6. Ensure website security:

Ensuring that your website is secure can help to establish trust with users and search engines. This can be achieved through the use of HTTPS encryption, secure login pages, and other security measures.

By focusing on these factors, you can optimize your website for EEAT signals and improve its ranking in Google’s search results. However, it is important to note that optimizing for EEAT signals is not a one-time process – it requires ongoing attention and maintenance to ensure that your website continues to meet the standards set by Google’s algorithm.


EEAT signals are a critical component of Google’s search algorithm, as they help to ensure that users are presented with the most relevant and trustworthy information possible. By optimizing your website for EEAT signals, you can improve its visibility and credibility in search results. This will ultimately drive more traffic and engagement.

To optimize your website for EEAT signals, it is important to focus on factors such as experience, expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness. This can be achieved through tactics such as creating high-quality, accurate content, building high-quality external links, and establishing author credentials.

Ultimately, the key to success in Google’s search results is to provide users with the most relevant and trustworthy information. By focusing on EEAT signals, you can ensure that your website meets these standards. This will provide users with the best possible experience.

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