front end developer job responsibilities

Front End Developer Job Responsibilities

Hearing someone talk about being a front end developer can lead you to a lot of questions. What exactly are front end developer job responsibilities? How important is a front end developer? What type of languages do they use? These are just a few of the questions that went through my head when I first head of front end developers.

The most important question is what are front end developer job responsibilities. If you were to go on a job interview for a front end web developer, what things should you be expected to know?

Front End Developer Lanugages

Software development is an ever changing world. There is always new technology and new stacks that you have to be willing and ready to learn. According to Statista, the top 3 programming languages of 2022 were JavaScript (65.36%), HTML/CSS (55.08%), and SQL (49.43%). From the top three languages, the first two are considered front end languages.

That being said, JavaScript is a language that is used mainly for front end but can be used as a backend language. That is why it is the most widely used programming language in the world. HTML/CSS is a front end language. I have always considered HTML/CSS a programming language despite the view of others. HTML/CSS is used in nearly all web applications so to me it must be considered a language. HTML is the framework of a web application. CSS is the language you use to style the HTML you wrote.

As a front end developer, the most important languages you will want to know are HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Front End Libraries and Frameworks

Outside of the languages, there are also libraries and frameworks that are important to know. One of the most used and widely known libraries is jQuery. jQuery is a JavaScript library and is used by 94.5% of websites that have JavaScript which equates to 77.6% of all websites. That is a huge deal, over 75% of websites on the whole internet use jQuery. As a front end developer you will use jQuery more often than not so that is a good library to learn.

When it comes to frameworks, there are plenty of ongoing debates. This is the part of the front end developer job responsibilities that is always changing. There are a couple of frameworks that have become the most used and relevant ones recently. Angular and React, which is technically considered a library but used more as a framework.

React is a JavaScript library which is used as a framework and was created by Facebook. Whereas Angular is a framework that was created by Google. The reason that React is considered a library and not a framework is because it does not have the “batteries included.” What this means is that actual frameworks such as Angular will come with everything you need to build an application and that is not the case with React. Angular will come with all the dependencies and libraries you need to create a full web application. React has the ability to install dependencies in order to add to the project.

Learning at least one of these frameworks can be something very beneficial to a front end developer. These frameworks and libraries contain languages that you will need to know for your front end developer job responsibilities anyways so why not learn one.


At the end of the day, becoming a front end developer is no walk in the park. There is a lot of different languages, libraries, and frameworks you need to learn to become successful. Is it worth it? I would 100% say it is worth it. I have been working as a front end developer for about 10 years now and I absolutely love it. Comment below how long you have been working on becoming a front end developer. If you want to read more posts like this, check out our latest post on what DNS is. As always, if you have any questions or comments feel free to contact us.

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